Legislative / Assembly Calendar

Legislative Calendar

  1. Legislative Calendar
    Jun 30, 2019 - Legislative calendar is used by legislative to plan their business during the legislative session. Typically one of the first items mentioned on the calendar is passing the bill, enacting procedures and deadlines for the session. Time may also be...    
  2. Calendar - Official Opening of the 3rd session
    When: Jun 23, 2019 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi consequat dignissim purus, vel cursus magna venenatis non. Curabitur fringilla turpis quis lacus hendrerit convallis. Morbi sit amet scelerisque neque. Mauris ac urna nec nibh aliquet...    
  3. Calendar - House Business and Rules Committees
    When: Jun 30, 2019 - COMMITTEE MANDATE The House Business and Rules Committee shall; Prepare and, if necessary, from time to time adjust the Assembly Calendar with the approval of the Assembly. Monitor and oversee the implementation of the Assembly Business and...    
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