Committee On Selection


A Standing or Select Committee is a permanent Committee established by Standing Orders of Assembly. It may study matters referred to it by special order or, within its area of responsibility in the Standing Orders, may undertake studies on its own initiative. Its functions are listed below:

The functions of a Select Committee are:

  1. Investigate, inquire into, and report on matters relating to the mandate, management, activities, administration, operations and estimates of the assigned departments;
  2. Study the programme and policy objectives of the departments and the effectiveness of the implementation;
  3. Study and review all County legislation referred to it;
  4. Study, assess and analyze the relative success of the departments as measured by the results obtained as compared with their stated objectives;
  5. Investigate and inquire into all matters relating to the assigned departments as they may deem necessary, and as may be referred to them by the County Assembly;
  6. To vet and report on all appointments where the Constitution or any law requires the County Assembly to approve, except those under Standing order185 (Committee on Appointments);
  7. Make reports and recommendations to the County Assembly as often as possible, including recommendation of proposed legislation.

Current members are;

  1. Chair: Hon:John Gichuki Maina
  2. Hon. Catherine Umija
  3. Hon: Nicholus Lempaira
  4. Hon: Nicholus Mwaniki
  5. Hon: Stephen Kagondu Nderitu
  6. Hon: Simon Kanyutu
  7. Hon: Irene Wachuka
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