Committee On Appointments


According to the Laikipia County Assembly Standing Orders, there is a Select Committee designated the Committee on Appointments to be appointed by the Assembly, consisting of the Speaker as a Chairperson, the Leader of the Majority Party, the Leader of the Minority Party and three other Members nominated by the House Business Committee, on the basis of proportional Party Membership in the Assembly taking into consideration the numerical strength of the Parties and interests of Independent Members. The Committee on Appointments is appointed within seven days when a new Assembly sits and serves for period of three years and that appointed thereafter serve as for the remainder of the term of the Assembly. The Committee on Appointments considers for approval by the Assembly, appointments under Articles 179(2) (Membersof CountyExecutiveCommittees).

Its current members are:

  1. Hon. Lantano Nabala

  2. Hon. Nicholas Mwaniki Muturi

  3. Hon. Simon Kanyutu

  4. Hon. Eunice Salaten Moile

  5. Hon. John Gichuki Maina

  6. Hon. Catherine Umija

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