House Business Committee


This is one of the Housekeeping Committees that ensure that the Business of the Assembly is running smoothly. The House Business Committee is appointed within seven days on Assembly of a new Assembly. In nominating the Members to the House Business Committee, each Assembly party shall include its Whip into the membership. If, for any reason, a member of the House Business Committee is unable to attend, the Leader in the Assembly of the party which nominated that Member may appoint another Member in that Member’s place for the period for which the Members unable to attend.

The committee shall be responsible for:

  1. Prepare and if necessary, from time to time adjust the Assembly calendar with the approval of the County Assembly;
  2. Monitor and oversee the implementation of the County Assembly Business and programmes
  3. Implement the Standing Orders respecting the scheduling or programming of the business of the County Assembly and the functioning of the Committees of the County Assembly
  4. Determine the order in which the reports of Committees shall be debated in the County Assembly;
  5. May take decisions and issues directives and guidelines to prioritize or postpone any business of the County Assembly acting with the concurrence of the Leader of the Majority part, as the case may be.
  6. Consider such matters as may from time to time arise in connection with the Business of the County Assembly and shall have and perform such powers and functions as are conferred on and ascribed to it by these Standing Orders or from time to time by the County Assembly.

Its current members are;

  1. Hon.Lantano Nabaala,

  2. Hon.Daniel Mugweru,

  3. Hon.Stephen Kamau Nderitu,

  4. Hon. Anthony Theuri,

  5. Hon. Caroline Wanjiku Kihika,

  6. Hon. Catherine Umija,

  7. Hon. John Gichuki Maina,

  8. Catherine Umija.

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