Office of the Speaker


The Constitution provides that there shall be a Speaker for each House who shall be elected by that House in accordance with the

Standing Orders.

Roles and Functions of Office of the Speaker of the County Assembly

The Speaker of the County Assembly shall have the following duties and responsibilities:-

  1. The Constitution provides that “at every sitting of a House of County Assembly the Speaker presides”
  2. The Speaker of the County Assembly shall preside over all debates of the County Assembly and enforces the observance of the Constitution, the Standing Orders, relevant statute and Assembly traditions, procedures and practices;
  3. The Speaker administers the oath of affirmation or allegiance to Members and issues writs for vacant County Assembly seats;
  4. The Speaker protects the rights of the minority while making sure that the majority have their way;
  5. Organizing the business of the House as he/she is the Chairman of the House Business Committee;
  6. Spokesperson of the County Assembly and shall ensure that the dignity of the County Assembly and by extension, Assembly, is upheld and its rights and privileges are not abused;
  7. The Speaker is the final authority on all matters touching on the interpretation and application of the practice and procedure of Assembly at all times.
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